vue component template

And why this code doesn't work? To add a custom toolbar item, open this file and add a DxItem element inside DxToolbar. Also, as you can see from the code, whatever is returned by the setup() method, it is then accessible from the template. By my count, there are at least seven different ways! To do this, we're going to need an HTML template pre-processor. A reasonable Vue user would first consider the following design patterns for the template: But as I'll show, both have downsides for the use case we're considering, so there is a legitimate case for wanting to use the template-extension hack I'm going present. One of the most popular features of Vue.js is the Single-File Component (SFC). Vue.js uses an HTML-based template syntax that allows you to declaratively bind the rendered DOM to the underlying Vue instance’s data. A common scenario for this is creating a component that includes a full-screen modal. Do you find yourself wanting to extend a component's template? In the code below, Vue.component is the component, and new Vue is called the instance. What is a functional component? The Google privacy policy and terms of service apply. Vue implements a content distribution API inspired by the Web Components spec draft, using the element to serve as distribution outlets for content. My hack for extending Vue templates is to use the include and extends options provided by Pug (previously Jade). It has support for retrieving data asynchronously and pagination.. Just be sure to add the attribute inline-template so Vue knows where to find it. If you want your templates to be valid HTML, you can configure the directive prefix to start with data-. So here's where it gets slightly messy. 1. If you want a TLDR; version of this article here it is: use single-file components as they're the most versatile and powerful option in almost every scenario. Load .vue files directly from your html/js. v-runtime-templat… Fantasic is a very good Vue Template, which best for any kind of App landing page. It does require you to transpile, though, as JSX is not readable by browsers. Probably someone could make a custom webpack loader to avoid having to do this. SFC (Single File Component) This is the most common one and should be used as default. These would be the